The Modern Musician program is an original music curriculum composed of three parts: individual instruction (The Lessons), , group performance (The Band) and an industry/business class (The Workshop).
Starting with the 1950s, students focus on one decade at a time learning about the artists, technology, culture and industry of that period. They then learn a section of a song from each decade and create a medley that they record and produce a music video for. The program runs for a full school year and ends with a performance showcase and video premiere.
The Modern Musician program is an original music curriculum composed of three parts: individual instruction (The Lessons), group performance (The Band), and an industry/business class (The Workshop). Starting with the 1950s, students focus on one decade at a time, learning about the artists, technology, culture, and industry of that period. They learn a section of a song from each decade and create a medley that they then record and produce into a music video. The program runs for a full school year and ends with a performance showcase and video premiere.
The Modern Musician program is an original music curriculum composed of three parts: individual instruction (The Lessons), group performance (The Band), and an industry/business class (The Workshop).

The Music Mentor program allows students to identify who they really are through the vehicle of songwriting and musical performance..
The Music Mentor program gives students the opportunity to identify who they really are through the vehicle of songwriting and musical performance. Students are paired up with a teaching artist for a one-on-one experience where they learn to channel their experiences and emotions into original music. A song is written and professionally recorded, then a music video is produced and finally the song is performed live. This program is open to all children, but is especially geared towards those who are at high risk for emotional and mental health challenges.
The Music Mentor program allows students to identify who they really are through the vehicle of songwriting and musical performance. Students are paired up with a teaching artist for a one-on-one experience where they learn to channel their experiences and emotions into original music. A song is written and professionally recorded, then a music video is produced, and the song is finally performed live. This program is open to all children but is especially geared towards those at high risk for emotional and mental health challenges.

The David Z Foundation offers various scholarships for individual artists, bands, and music students who need financial assistance.
The David Z Foundation offers various scholarships for individual artists and bands as well as music students in need off financial assistance.
We have partnered up with various music schools around the country to create these opportunities. Our scholarships range from tuition relief for aspiring music students to production packages for up and coming bands.
The David Z Foundation offers various scholarships for individual artists, bands, and music students who need financial assistance. We have partnered up with various music schools around the country to create these opportunities. Our scholarships range from tuition relief for aspiring music students to production packages for up and coming bands.

David Z was an incredible musician with an accomplished and celebrated career. He performed on stages all over the world, gaining recognition for his extraordinary ability on the bass guitar. He was best known for the bands ZO2, The Trans-Siberian Orchestra (TSO), and Adrenaline Mob.

Modern Musician Program 2020: Medley Video
Due to the pandemic, students in the Modern Musician Program could not perform live at the end of the year; therefore, they created a medley video instead. The medley features songs from each decade, starting with the ‘50s and ending in the ‘00s.
Good Times Bad Times - Led Zeppelin cover featuring Paulie Z, Yoyoka, Tony Franklin, Mr. Jimmy

This video was made as part of the David Z Foundation All-Star Fundraiser on Sunday March 7th, 2021.

Becoming a member of the David Z Foundation will help us continue the work we are doing and ensure that all donations from events and proceeds from programs will go right back to helping musicians grow. Benefits will include exclusive content, rewards, swag, and surprises as we build out membership tiers in the near future. A $10 or higher monthly pledge will get you in on the ground floor.